On the 18th November 2023, President Stephen Brown, his wife Adrienne and daughters Lucy and Savannah were joined by 64 Members and Guests at the Mickleover Golf Club for his Derby Magic Circle Presidents dinner. The food that was a plentiful 3 course meal, was both delicious and expertly served by the Golf Club’s waiters and waitresses.
Stephen Brown thanked the Members and Guests for supporting him on this prestigious occasion, and set the scene for the evening’s events and entertainment.

Flower presentations were made to Stephen’s Presidential wife Adrienne, and to Jean who made the event possible.
Accolades for the past President Doug Greg for driving Derby Magic Circle forward following Covid, the winner of the ‘close up and stage competition’ Paul Brown, the ‘Shield of Merit’ for outstanding support to Derby Magic Circle to Steve MaCrow and finally the ‘Nuts & Bolts Man’ for the most improved magician was presented to Neil Cartledge. Thank you all, a wonderful achievement.
Firstly Introducing Philip Partridge, President of The Brotherhood of International Magicians – British Ring No. 25, as the first of the guest entertainers.

From the moment Philip (with one ‘L’), arrived he worked the room brilliantly, gathering everyone’s information, names and interests. This led into his very entertaining act, carefully selecting his victims assistants of which one was my daughter Savannah. I was asked to be an assistant however, I exercised my right, and elected the President Elect in my place to be put in the guillotine.
Secondly Roy Davenport, Gold-star member of the inner Magic Circle, the UK's youngest ever British Magical Champion and the only British winner of the World Magic Championship in Manipulation since 1961. a fourth-generation magician, following in his great-grandfather's footsteps from 1898, and a recipient of the Magic Circle Maskelyne Award for contribution to British magic.
Davenports was a very illustrious Magic shop where many highly regarded magicians visited, some spending days there, including Ricky Jay, Dai Vernon, Marlow, Ali Bongo, Pat Page to name a few.

Roy performed his Spanish Act in an amazing, entertaining and magical way only he could perform. There were countless appearing coins from everywhere and no-where at the same time in a hi-speed production excellence. Then to be followed by a complete mastery of the Roy’s version of the rings routine. Absolute genius.
We were also honoured yet again on the evening by Richard Cadell, his husband Ross and their 5 month old baby, Zale. Sooty also attended drawing the raffle as has become his annual role. Thank you Sooty.
As a gesture of appreciation for the huge support that Richard has shown to Derby Magic Circle, Stephen Brown, presented Zale with a Presidents Pin to record Zale as our youngest ever Honorary President of Derby Magic Circle, and maybe, one day be the President.
In our midst was also Dez Colona our oldest, long standing and still active member aged 96 years. I think this must be the widest age range for any Magic Circle possibly!
Attending the dinner was also Councillor Roy Webb, who is one of the key Patrons for the Derby Kid’s Camp, which is a volunteer organisation to support kids and their families. Roy thanked Derby Magic Circle and it’s members for supporting the charity for many years by entertaining the kids consistently during the summer camps.
For more information please visit - https://derbykidscamp.co.uk/
Thank you to all that could attend. A magical night not to be forgotten!
Stephen Brown – President of Derby Magic Circle.